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Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a fundamental part of all cancer screening programmes.  The purpose of quality assurance is to monitor, maintain and improve on minimum standards of service, performance and quality across all aspects of the cervical screening programme. This function is led and facilitated by the PHA and supported through the structured input of a range of professionals across key clinical disciplines.

QA Leads

A structure of professional leads for the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme is in place to support the QA and commissioning processes, in respect of the Screening Laboratory, Colposcopy screening services and Primary Care.

It is the role of the QA lead to assist with the coordination of quality assurance activities for the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme and provide professional advice to the Public Health Agency on issues relevant to the commissioning of the screening programme. QA Leads are appointed through a formal recruitment process. The tenure for QA Lead Posts is for 3 years in the first instance. Further information on the role of the QA lead can be found in the QA structure (QA Structure is currently under review).

Cervical Screening Programme QA Leads:

Regional QA Lead for Colposcopy – responsible for quality assurance activities for the colposcopy profession within the Northern Ireland cervical screening programme.

Regional QA Lead – Responsible for quality assurance activities for the pathology profession in the Northern Ireland cervical screening programme.

Regional QA Primary Care Lead – Responsible for quality assurance activities for the Primary Care in the Northern Ireland cervical screening programme.


QA activities

Ongoing quality assurance activities within the Cervical Screening Programme include:

  • Regular disciplinary led meetings across the programme
  • Annual colposcopy led conference
  • Annual data review meetings with all Trusts
  • Regular performance review with BSO on call/recall service
  • Rolling programme of formal quality assurance visits to Trusts

QA Visit Guidance:

  • QA visit Guidance (in process of being updated)
  • QA Structure (in process of being updated- not available to upload)
  • QA visit leaflet (in process of being updated)