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Events and Training

All staff taking part in QA activity should undertake training related to their role.  There are a number of local training events organised as well as national events.

The following table shows events which have taken place or are coming up.  Click the link for more information.

Interval Cancer Study Day 23rd November 2022


Details of the Local Training Events

The NI BSP runs the following events:

The Interval Cancer Study Day

This is held yearly, usually around October/November.  It is open to all members of the Breast QA Advisory Structure by invitation from YPAST.  The format of the Study Day is a morning session covering interval cancer data, relevant audits and topical presentations.

This is followed by a film review of interval cancers from the previous year.  This is for radiologists and radiographers who are film readers within the Breast Screening Programme and provides an opportunity for shared learning.  There is also a regional meeting of Interval Cancer Officers within the Breast Screening Programme, offering the opportunity of updates and shared learning.

The Study Day provides 7 CPD credits for those eligible  in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.

Local ABS BASO Workshop

This is held yearly, usually around September but the next workshop will be held in Summer 2023.  It is open to all members of the Breast QA Advisory Structure by invitation from YPAST.  The aim of the audit day is to:

  • provide information on the national NHSBSP ABS Audit
  • include the process and nature of the data collection
  • present the results of Northern Ireland’s submission
  • discuss how this information can inform quality improvement

The programme runs for half a day and presentations are given on surgery, radiology and pathology data, including input from oncology.  Feedback and outcomes of the previous Audit day are provided by YPAST.

Mammography Study Day

This is held every two years and is a one day event tailored towards mammographers, assistant practitioners and breast care nurses.  The programme includes presentations on topics of interest to this audience.  Attendance is by invitation only from YPAST.

The last Mammograpy Study Day was held on 26th March 2022.  The next Study Day will be in March 2024.


National Training Events

Training is also provided by the National Programme, details of which can be found at:


Training for QA Leads

Specific training for QA Professional Leads and their deputies is provided by St George’s National Breast Education Centre.

Initial PCA Training

Peer review assessor training for breast screening staff undertaking QA visits is delivered by experienced facilitators from St George’s National Breast Education Centre.

It is a well-established study day aimed at Breast Screening staff of any discipline who have recently become members of the QA team or are planning to join their QA team and undertake Quality Assurance visits.  It is available to new Quality Assurance Leads working within the NI Breast Screening Programme and can be booked through YPAST by contacting screening.breast

Refresher PCA Training

Refresher training builds on the content of the initial training day. Professional Clinic Advisor Refresher Training is available to Quality Assurance Leads working within the Northern Ireland Breast Screening Programme. It provides a short refresher training resource to revisit some of the key aspects of the role.

The training is offered to QA leads who have already undertaken the initial training  and have taken part in QA visits. QA leads should  complete this training every 3 years.

The e-learning course focuses on the critical aspects of the  role.  Refresher PCA training can be booked through YPAST by contacting screening.breast




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